пятница, 25 декабря 2009 г.

Пустяк, а приятно.

Готовила презентацию по книгеБредбери "Вино из одуванчиков", а она оказалась не нужной.

А там, внутри, были цитаты. Волшебные.

"Some days were good for tasting and some for touching. And some days were good for all senses at once."

"I've got a snowflake in a matchbox", said Tom, smiling. "Yes, sir, I'm the only guy in all Illinois who's got a snowflake in summer. Precious as diamonds. Tomorrow I'll open it. Doug, you can look too..."

"So if trolleys and runabouts, and friends, and near friends can go away for a while, or go away forever, or rust, or fall apart, or die, and if people can be murdered, and if someone like great-grandma, who was going to live forever, can die... If all of this is true... then I, Douglas Spaulding, some day, must..."

Дуглас Сполдинг из Гринтауна чертовски прав. А между прочим, я тоже когда-нибудь непременно умру.

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